Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Free Day

Wow, I actually have a Friday that is free. Nothing to do, but some stuff for home. Pick up the snow blower, fix the toilet, do FAFSA, work on sermon. Well maybe my Friday is not free. But it is still nice to not have meetings and administrative stuff to do.

Hoping to do a movie with my boys tonight.

Got to love a free day!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thrive is where it is at

Today was my 1 day a month that I meet with 5 other ministers for the day. We share about our ministries, read books together, challenge one another and pray together. One of my favorite days of the month. WE call this our Thrive Group.

Today was great. There was only 4 of us there, but we had a great time. It is so sweet to hear how God is working in each of our churches and to help encourage one another for the struggles and obstacles we each face. I am thankful for Jim Marcus, my friend and our missionary who helps lead this group. He is so patient with us as he encourages us to move forward in our ministries. I am so excited that my friends church is becoming more revitalized after 11 years of decline. I am going to recommend that some of my other friends attend there. It is so much closer to their new house and they have really been struggling to stay involved here at Westside. That is hard to do, but it must be about the Kingdom and not about Westside. Boy, I sound spiritual when I say that, but I have to be honest I really would love to keep them here.

God has still been working in my life of prayer this week. I have been trying to be more prayerful and more faithful in my prayers. Not faithful like doing it more, but seeking to have more faith in my prayers.

I am praying for my kids that they will chase after God like nothing else in their lives.
I am praying for my wife that God will bring total healing for His Glory.
I am praying for my church that God will strengthen us as we go forward together.
I am praying for our new ministry Side by Side
I am praying for each member of our church directory that they take another step toward Christ.

I am late for supper, so I better go.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Got a call from a member yesterday about my sermon on Sunday. No it wasn't to complain, it was to let me know how God had showed them they needed to apply what I preached on. It is so awesome to know that people are actually listening.

I pray that I can be a Caleb among the people around me and I pray that our church will be a Caleb church that encourages people that they can do it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Unthinkable Is Coming

We are well on our way to Doing The Unthinkable! The creative people are painting, lighting, and getting the videos ready as we enter into the Unthinkable. This week is flying by already and time is slipping away. It always seems like this right before a theme, but it always works out. It's been a while since we have had a back drop and all. Some people have been missing them and others have probably been enjoying it.

Speaking of missing, I have been missing some people lately. We have a few who have dropped out and a missing a lot. I am going to try to make contact with them this week. I will not mention their names because it might be you that I am missing. If you have been missing I hope to see you soon. This Sunday would be a great week to come back.

Also been getting ready for the Evangelism Conference. I am so excited about this meeting. No, I really am. It is the only meeting each year that I really get excited for, but it is always really good. I hope many of our people will make plans and attend.

Today is Fat Tuesday, and boy do I want one of those punch-key (sorry about spelling), but so far I have been strong and not given in. I have plenty of people who are watching out for me so that I do not falter.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow What a Weekend

Wow, what a weekend. Saturday we had our second meeting for Side by Side ministry and had a great turn out. over 20 people crammed into one of our rooms as we sought to find out what exactly God had for us in this journey. A leadership team emerged and now we are off and running. Soon we will be walking side by side with more people and helping them to take their next step toward Christ.

Sunday just kept getting better. Started the day off with 3 baptism's. That is always a blessing, but it is an incredible blessing when one of them is your daughter. I am so proud of how God has been working in her life and it is one of my great joys in life to watch her chase after God.

Finished unday night off with small group and what a great time that was for us. We laughed so hard as we learned about bartering in our marriages. It seems that one of in each relationship has the biggest bartering chip. I wonder who that is? You guessed it the ladies.

This week will be busy as we prepare to begin our new theme "Unthinkable." I pray that God will help each of us to begin and do the unthinkable things in our lives that need to be done.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Invaded by Gofor's

Well today the senior adults, our "Golden Gofors" are having their monthly fellowship here at the church and it is all wii day. They are going to eat and play the wii's. The staff was helping set up the systems and boy the fun began already. Lois showed us how to hoola hoop and she did so good, that myself and Kevin whipped her by doing more than her.

Have not had that much fun in a long time. The Gofors had a ball with Wii fit and Wii bowling. Ed Lee was the best bowler or was it Ellen. Hariett seemed to have the Wii fit down. She said she had never done it before, but I am not sure.

I am excited about Sunday as we explore what it is like for us as a church to charge forward together in God's Kingdom.

I am praying hard for this afternoon as we minister to the family that lost a mother and brother in the last week. I know is going with us and I pray we will be sensitive to His leading as we visit with the family. Thank you God for your presence in times like these.

The diet is going pretty good. I am 4 days into it and all is well. Last night was rough, but I did pretty good. Today I am much better. I am praying for strength day by day and sometimes moment by moment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

God is So AWESOME!!!

Jut got a call from a member saying that the Chiropractor next door to the church wants to help with out Side by Side ministry by letting us store things in their empty office space and let us use that to give out supplies a few days a month. God is working, we better hold on.

In The News

Yesterday there was an article in the Baptist Press about our church and how God has been working in and through us. It feels a little weird to read about your own church, but it is also such a blessing to see so many of the things God is doing right here in our midst. God has been so good to us. The past 6 months or so have been incredible.

Below is the link for the article if you are interested

I am not sure why He has chosen to move in our midst so greatly, but I am so grateful He has. One thing that I believe has contributed to this is the fact that we are meeting faithfully to pray together each week. I wish more people seen the importance of making this a priority, but I am thankful for the ones that make this so faithfully important.

This Sunday we are going to baptize a few more of the people talked about in the story and what a blessing that will be. This Saturday we will meet again to begin our ministry to new mom's. It is called "Side by Side." This week we are going to begin to put some real practical plans to our vision. I can not wait to see how it shapes up.

How will we meet to pray tonight? I am not sure how to lead this time yet.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catching Up

Wow!!! What a week. The last 10 days have been a blur. Dad had a heart attack. I flew out to Arkansas as soon as I could. Praise God he is doing great and we are all back home. It is so awesome how God uses even the worst things in our lives to bless us. I had such a great time with my Grandpa and Grandma. I had not seen their new place in Cabot, AR before. Loved seeing my Uncle Joe and Aunt Joyce. And had the best time with cousin Marsha and her Husband Jay. God so blessed me through them and their generosity of opening up their home for us to stay in after dad got out of the hospital. It was awesome to hear how God has been working in their lives and helping them take their next step toward him.

Being back is quite the rush. Trying to get back up to speed on all that is happening here at home and at church. My new friend lost his mother while I was gone and then this morning his brother passed away. It is so hard to know how to help in times like this. He is such a great guy and is really searching but this makes it so hard. I wish I had words to make this all better. But to be honest I got nothing. Pray for John and Diana and all of their family.

I am torn today, because I would love to be up north with Kevin at our pastors retreat, but I have really missed my family and feel like I need to be here for a while. God has helped me as I look ahead at our upcoming series this week to really make some progress in the sermon's for March. "Doing the Unthinkable"

Also in the midst of catching up today I realized that we have to keep looking ahead. Lot's of things to plan for this spring and summer.

Do you really ever catch up, or do you just keep chasing that elusive ball called life.

I am just thankful that I do not have to make it all work and mesh together. I may feel like I need to catch up, but God knows where I am and He has me right where He wants me.