Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walnut Ridge Here We Come

Just got back from the Walnut Ridge Conference Center getting ready for the Men's retreat. It is going to be AWESOME!!!

The place is perfect, we have over 30 men attending and the food is going to be out of this world.
Kevin is leading worship. Sounds like a HOMERUN if I ever heard of one.

I am so excited that we have some new men coming that have not come before.

Got to go work out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Men's Retreat Taking Shape

Well, our men's retreat is really taking shape. We have almost 30 men who are planning to attend. Can't wait to get away with all of them and experience all that God has for us.

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!

Today is the day. I start working out again at the boxing gym. I hope I am not too out of shape and have a heart attack or something. I am thankful for the Byrd family and how much they support me in my efforts and my slackness of effort to improve my health.

I pray that I can go today. I was supposed to start yesterday, but had to reschedule for today. I hope I can find all my stuff to work out with. Gloves, wraps, cup, mouth guard. Been a long time.

The older I get it seems to be harder and harder.

God Moved again on Sunday

Wow!!! After last Sunday I wondered what this week would be like, but God really moved as we began to see what it would be like and do the unthinkable thing of being honest with God. I am thankful that some of our people are willing to be open and honest with us about their struggles in life and how hard it is to be honest with ourselves and God.

God is working in the lives of some of the people who have been attending here recently and I am praying that God really empowers them to take their next step toward him.

Yesterday was exciting as myself and 3 of the ladies who are leaders of our new Side by Side ministry to new mom's and dad's, went to Saginaw and checkout a ministry to parents in that area. It was such a blessing to know that others are helping to celebrate the life of each new child that God gives us.

I am excited, scared, nervous as we really take a step of faith and begin this ministry.

Tammy is struggling with some of her meds and trying to get off of them. I pray that God really gives her strength and healing as she serves in His Kingdom. I get so frustrated that He does not heal her. I pray that He will. Sometime I am fearful for her and what it is doing to her emotional and spiritual health. She seems so strong, but I wonder how she stays that way. I do not think I would be so strong and faithful.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here comes the snow

Can you believe it. It is snowing again. It's the middle of March and I thought that winter had gone, but I should have known better. Well I guess I can try out my snow blower since I just got it fixed. Glad I had a couple of backups this year for my driveway since my snow blower was on the fritz. You guessed it, Justin and Aldo. Even when the snow blower broke, these two strong young men are still able. Isn't having kids great!!!!

Not going to let the snow curb my enthusiasm for this weekend. "Do the Unthinkable and Get Honest with God." It is going to be hard to follow up on this last weeks service. I think it really struck a chord in the lives of many people. But God has a plan for this week also and I am excited for us to discover why we need to Do the Unthinkable and get honest with God.

It is so great to serve a God who knows everything about us and cares about us and who can actually do something about our circumstances. I hope others will be as blessed as I am to know that God is the one who holds us all together.

Oh yes, another thing to praise God for. I finally got my diploma, I am officially gradutated or graduated or whatever from cemetery or is it seminary. I am just overjoyed to be done, but I do already miss my classes. At Rockbridge Seminary the classes are so practical that sometimes they do no seem like class work, but just real ministry. I am so thankful for Rockbbridge and all of my great proffessors there. Special thanks to my friend and mentor Larry Allen for walking with me all the way through this process. Also to president Daryl Eldridge who has been such a good friend, mentor and encourager to me making it through.

Well I better get going on my sermon again.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday was AWESOME!!!

Sunday was such a blessed day. Steph and Loren shared their testimonies and what a blessing that was. I think it really connected with the people and helped them to be challenged to be real with themselves and those around them.

One member said he thought that this may have been the best service since he began attending here over 2 years ago. And he said it was not a reflection of how poor the others were but how great yesterday was.

Praise God for working in our lives.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sickly Weekend

Well, this weekend has been kind of a sickly one for me and my family. I have been a little sick and Tammy has still got strep throat. I hope this new medicine helps her.

I am so excited about our service tomorrow. I pray that God helps us to see the need and do the Unthinkable and Get Real. Get real with ourselves and those around us. I am praying for those who are going to be sharing tomorrow in our service. I pray that God uses their testimonies as powerfully in those there tomorrow as He did in my life as I have heard these.

Better get back to going over my sermon.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Blessings

Thursday started off great. It is always good to have breakfast with the "Gofors". Cracker Barrel is about as good a place as any to do just that. Our senior adults always bless me and challenge me to continue in my faith. Even when it is not as easy.

Then my day got better. I was able to spend some time with a new friend who just blessed me beyond measure. He showed me what it is to simply follow Christ and Him alone. To not be distracted by the things in life, but to focus on the most important things. Faith, Family, Friends as he said it.

His courage and passion for God have me ready to take on the world for Christ's sake.

This Sunday our people are going to get to know him a little and I know they will be encouraged in their faith through him.

This week we are going to do the "Unthinkable" and "Get Real"

Evangelism Conference What A Challenge

Monday and Tuesday were great days as I spent them at our Evangelism Conference out in Swartz Creek. I was challenged greatly to continue to do whatever it takes to share the Gospel right here right now.

Ed Stetzer challenged me to always be honest about where we are as a church and to look to see what we can do to better meet our culture where they are and not expect them to come and change for us.

Mike Licona challenged me to know the Word of God better so that I can not only defend my faith, but also be able to package the truth that I have come to know in a little different way. What A blessing.

The youth rally on Tuesday night was such a blessing. To see all those youth out there praising the Lord made me want to shout!!! Fowler Band was incredible and the speaker Larry Johnson did a great job challenging our youth to really have their own relationship with Christ.

I was also blessed again as I was reminded of how important it is for us a believers to do things together.

After all we are all part of one great Body.

Monday, March 2, 2009

What a Weekend

Wow, What a weekend!!! Early Saturday morning a crew of faithful Angels showed up to unload food for over 700 families for our Angel Food Ministry. These workers are so faithful each month to do all that is needed to get food to families who need it. We are so blessed to have such faithful people. I pray that God continues to bless them for this faithfullness.

At the same time men and some youth were inside building in the youth room. It is so unreal at all the people working in the Kingdom today. While all this is going on, Karate ministry starts up and soon the gym is full of kids and adults karate chopping away. Praise God for a facility that is used.

Sunday just kept getting better. The sermon was awesome!!! Ha, Ha. It wa such a blessing to see our worship center full again. We had some more guests who were such a blessing to me.

Wow, What a Weekend