Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Buried at 101 years old

No I am not talking about the GM bankruptcy, although it seems everyone else is. Today I did the funeral for a 101 year old man. GM is only 100. He was married 75 years, retired 40 years, fished for over 95 years, and died with plenty of money to supply all he needed. Seems like we all, including some or our huge corporations, could learn from his life. Frank Remick at least did some things well. At 87 he danced with his wife. At 95 he re-roofed his garage. At 99 he still mowed his lawn. His knees never hurt and he died of old age. Wow!!! I wished I would have got to ask him what his secret was. The saddest thing was, the one thing no one really knew about him was his relationship with Christ. They knew he was a good man, they knew he was a generous man, but no one took the time to really check out and see if he knew Christ. He said he did not like the Catholic church and that he prayed daily. But no one knew. How Sad!!! Funny how we can seem to have it all figured out, but when all is said and done does it matter if we suffer with health problems? NO Does it matter if you have enough money? NO Does it matter if we loved life? NO Really when it is over the only thing that mattered is where do we spend eternity. I pray and hope that Frank accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I also hope and pray we all get the opportunity to ask those we love. It may be hard but it is worth it.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Pure Sex Pure Relationships Begins

Our new theme kicked off with a great start Sunday. We had a big crowd for our first service. Had over 100 adults in the early bird video session.

People seemed to be amused by the video and challenged by the message. I am so thankful that God made us different to complement one another.

I pray that this helps people realize that sex and realationships are important Godly aspects of our lives.

I also pray that our singles, college, and youth stick with this long enough to see the great information and biblical views on all of these important areas of our life.